Sam Newsome

Sam Newsome
"The potential for the saxophone is unlimited." - Steve Lacy

Saturday, January 6, 2018

DÉCIMA ENCUESTA ANUAL A PERIODISTAS INTERNACIONALES: Tenth Annual International Critics Polls - The Soprano Saxophone Category

It was great placing 2nd in the Tenth Annual International Critics Poll. Though many just say "Wake me up when it's over,"  when it comes to critics polls, I'm a believer that they do serve an important function in that they inform the jazz community at large on who's doing what and how audiences are responding. And this poll is also a little hipper than most: 

(1) there are fewer critics than those voting in the Downbeat and JazzTimes polls, so it doesn't get saturated with the misinformed; 

(2) these critics have more adventurous and eclectic taste and the often include musicians ignored in other polls; Rarely have I read this poll and had a what?-what!-moment; 

(3) they have more respect for the soprano category. 

I've often read the Downbeat Polls and felt I did not even know that musicians selected even played the soprano. Certainly not the case here. Check my earlier post about critics polls in my article "Seven Reasons to Support Downbeat Magazine (And Other Publications Like Them.) "  This post resonated with a lot of readers.

But I am glad to appear with many of my heroes. Amazing company to be in.

Congrats to Jane Ira Bloom for knocking it out of the park, once again!

CLICK HERE for the full article.

JANE IRA BLOOM (95 votes)

SAM NEWSOME (79 votes)

EVAN PARKER (53 votes)


JOHN BUTCHER (23 votes)

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