One of my favorite jokes is the one about the two tabla
players: the guru and the disciple. One day while the disciple was playing for
the guru, trying to show off his technical prowess in 15/8 time, the guru being
unimpressed, stopped him abruptly and scolded him, saying “ Quit playing all
of this fancy crap and just lay down the 7 and 15.”

As I get older, I find myself using space a lot more and playing fewer complicated ideas. It can be pretty humbling to find that your comfort zone isn't as vast and complicated as you thought or hoped it would be. But once you recognize and embrace your limitations, that's when you're truly on your way to getting to your thing. Otherwise, you will embark upon a lifetime journey of hit or miss performances.
So the next time, you decide to go out on a limb like a tight-rope walker from the circus, just remember that the real you is probably down below waiting for you with open arms.
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