A few months ago I submitted a post called “Pre-Multiphonic Training,” discussing an exercise developed by Ronald L. Caravan in his book Preliminary Exercises & Etudes In Contemporary Techniques For Saxophone that helps with sound, embouchure control and playing multi-phonics.
Attached are pages 2 and 3 of that chapter. When playing these exercises, you should pay close attention to the different dynamic levels. Successfully playing these tones, as it is when playing most multi-phonics, requires one to play with a very delicate airstream. We’re often taught to blow through the instrument full and forcefully. Which is applicable when playing more conventional notes and sounds. However, when playing multi-phonics and the pre-multiphonic exercises below, the airstream must be played the same delicacy and finesse with which a violinist uses his or her bow.
These exercises require a lot of abdominal support, just so that the notes don’t crack or distort. These notes are not pretty. So don't let this distract you. I wouldn’t use them as alternate fingerings when playing a lovely ballad. However, when paying something a little more experimental, they could be very effective.
Have fun!

شركة قصر المملكة افضل شركة للخدمات المتكاملة بالرياض و منطقة خميس مشيط " احصل على افضل الخدمات المنزلية بأسعار تنافسية " الخدمات التى تقدمها الشركة هى :
شركة قصر المملكة
نقل اثاث بخميس مشيط مكافحة النمل الابيض بالرياض
تنظيف فلل بخميس مشيط مكافحة حشرات بالرياض
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كشف تسربات المياه بخميس مشيط نقل اثاث بالرياض
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تنظيف بالرياض تنظيف فلل بالرياض
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شركة قصر المملكة افضل شركة للخدمات المتكاملة بالرياض و منطقة خميس مشيط " احصل على افضل الخدمات المنزلية بأسعار تنافسية " الخدمات التى تقدمها الشركة هى :
رش مبيدات بالرياض تنظيف موكيت بالرياض
تسليك مجارى بالرياض عزل خزانات بالرياض
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كورة اليوم اخبار كورة
كورة اليوم كشف تسربات المياه بخميس مشيط
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