Sam Newsome

Sam Newsome
"The potential for the saxophone is unlimited." - Steve Lacy

2025 Winter Jazz Festival

2025 Winter Jazz Festival

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Microtonal Saxophonist

I recently came across a saxophonist by the name of Bhob Rainey. I was doing my monthly Google search for a saxophonist whose working in the medium of micro-tonality. No one in particular, just a like-minded person. And it was a pleasant surprise when his name came up. Even better, he actually considers himself a "micro-tonal saxophonist." I thought, how cool!

I downloaded his solo soprano saxophone CD, 6 Standing Desert. It's an interesting and short recording, slightly less than 20 minutes in length. Mr. Rainey is part of the Boston Microtonal Society, a select group of musicians in the Boston area, all of whom work in the realm of micro-tonality.

I like his sonic approach to the instrument. Many musicians can get too caught up in line and lick playing on the soprano. But I like his "noise" approach. He has a very good understanding of how to use multiphonics, harmonically and textually. He gave me some ideas.

I'm looking forward to hearing more from him. I could always use a good partner to play quartertones and multiphonics with. But then again, can't everybody?

Here's a sample of some of Bhob's playing. Pretty wild stuff!


joesh said...

HI Sam

Maybe you can put a link in for some of these interesting bits (of info).

Best - Joe

My Profile said...

Hi Joe,
I decided to take your advice. Let me know what you think. - S

gorj said...

The one and only Hayden Chisholm?

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