Sam Newsome

Sam Newsome
"The potential for the saxophone is unlimited." - Steve Lacy

Now available of Bandcamp!

Now available on Bandcamp!

Now available on Bandcamp!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Teachers Versus Role Models

Throughout our lives, we often seek the guidance of teachers and role models. Even though I'm sure I could greatly benefit from a teacher, at this point in life, I'm more interested in role models. 

Here are a few reasons why:

  • Teachers give us maps to follow;
  • Role models provide us with a compass.

  • You can only have a limited number of teachers at a time;
  • Role models can be unlimited.

  • Teachers often cost money for their guidance;
  • Roles models are often free.

  • Teachers take us through their specific methodology;
  • Role models allow us to find our own methodology.

  • Teachers show us their way;
  • Role models help us find our own way. 


  • Teachers often make us feel like students;
  • Roles models inspire us to become teachers.

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